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The risks of smoking

The risks of smoking

The risk of smoking don’t affect Respiratory system only, but affect multiple body organs.

For the knowledge the smoking risks not just related to the ingredients of tobacco that used in normal or electronic cigarettes , but it affect indirectly the global atmosphere and raise the percentage of general pollution in the world around us.

During smoking, more than 150 Composition go inside human body, the most famous are the Tar, Nicotine, Pigments, and never forget the increase of CO1 percentage specially for those smoking ( shisha ) , and that risks start to affect when the smoke goes into the Respiratory system Where it work to stimulate the Respiratory mucosa , And increase natural secretions , and this effect ends with a Different changes in the mucosa, such as thickness and fibrosis.

And down to Alveoli, the number of cigarettes Adversely affect the diameter of Bronchioles , because when increase the smoking and entry of tobacco materials, it makes the wall of the Bronchioles more thicker and the diameter smaller,, and the tissue changes start , and This change extends to the alveoli,, which makes the volume bigger and Change of The softness of its walls, which start to stick with each other to make one big vesicle unable to more naturally and exchange the oxygen with CO2 in the correct way .

 The risk is not only for the Bronchi and Lung, it also affect the Throat and pharynx,including Chronic laryngitis,and changes in the vocal cord  In terms of coughing or hoarseness .Unfortunately  throat cancer and pharynxresult from smoking in addition to other body sites for example Lung, esophagus, colon and bladder cancers.

In addition to the above risks, a Chemical changes occur in the blood, In the form of early oxidation to leading changes in the capillaries throughout the body such as coronary arteries.

* Most smokers suffer from cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis that lead to recurrent myocardial infarctions .

* These changes also occur in the cerebral arteries and cause a stroke.

* In addition to  changes in the  arteries of the legs and feet, renal arteries leading to elevated arterial pressure (HTN)

Also the smoking regardless of types lead to changes in the immune system which lead the patient liable to different types of allergy of the respiratory system.

Dr. Hasan Qasem Jaafar

Pulmonologist & Critical Care

Specialist of Sleep Medicine

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