Hyperbaric oxygen in dentistry
The hyperbaric oxygen play an important role in the dentistry by increasing the amount of oxygen that delivered to the roots of the tooth which helps in protein oxidation and decrease the anaerobic bacteria , and it increase the production of peroxidase enzymes which helps the WBC to force any infection that the body deal with it
The rule of hyperbaric oxygen in dentistry :
- Treatment of bone infections especially the mandible bones
- Treatment of mouth fungal infections
- Treatment of any abscess or pus infections in the tooth
- Treatment of unhealed scars or wounds in the face
- Speed up the healing rate of any wounds after major surgeries such as bone resections in the face , resections of tumors in the tounge , facial fractures and plastic surgery of the face and it bones
- Finally , hyperbaric oxygen increase the rate of healing of any wounds in diabetic patient , osteoporotic patient and immunosuppression patients