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Endocrinology & Diabetic Pediatric Section

Endocrinology & Diabetic Pediatric Section

The pediatric section in the Specialty Hospital is characterized by the presence of a medical and nursing staff qualified to manage and deal with all types of diseases in children, including endocrine diseasessuch as growthhormone deficiency, short stature and diabetes

Our hospital has the necessary capabilities to provide all the needed medical, laboratory tests and imaging studies to diagnose and treat these cases under supervision of pediatric endocrinologists as well as the presence of latest methods of treatment, and follow up what is new in the management of these conditions

Also we have a diabetic educator who is able to follow up with our diabetic patients very closely in their homes to teach them how to deal with their disease as to make their life easier.

Our hospital provide nutritionist to give advices for all patients and their families about the patient diet plan

We are capable to do many investigations to diagnose the causes of short stature as by doing the growth hormones deficiency and to start treatment indicate

Our hospital provides the latest methods for dealing with diabetes in children by using an insulin pump to control their blood sugar in the easiest way

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