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Our ICU/CCU department is one of the biggest in the Middle East it consists of 30 fully equipped beds and supervised by well-trained specialized healthcare providers.

Using state of the art finishing and isolation units with the best medical equipment’s like Hypothermia treating device, plasma exchange, CRRT, ECMO`S.

The department consists of three subdivisions:

Intensive Care Unit (ICU):

It consists of 8 beds, equipped with central patients monitoring, cardiac monitors, mechanical ventilators and central O2. We receive with different types of patients, including: motor vehicle accidents, strokes, diabetic ketoacidosis and major surgeries.

Coronary Care Unit (CCU):

It consists of 12 beds and manages cardiac related patients such as: myocardial infarctions, cardiac arrhythmias, open heart surgeries and cardiac catheterization. The unit is well prepared and equipped with state of the arts machines, mechanical ventilation and central oxygen apparatus.

Intermediate care unit:

It consists of 5 beds, it manage patients who need close monitoring and observations, and as a step down beds.

Cardiac care unit 3rd floor:

It consists of 5 beds and manages cardiac related patients cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac catheterization, The unit also has an operation theater for open heart surgeries, patients can be transferred immediately to the unit

The department is equipped with many advanced and sophisticated machines, such as:

  1. Echo machinesand transesophageal echo that is used to diagnose cardiac function and valvular lesions and clots.
  2. CRRT (Continuous renal replacement therapy):it’s the latest technology in biomedicswhich can replace the function of kidneys in cases that don’t tolerate the hemodialysis and other cases like sepsis, severe acidosis.
  3. Some beds are prepared for hemodialysis that can be done inside the unit,eliminating the need to transfer the patients and providing continuous patients monitoring.
  4. Isolation rooms: the intensive care unit has 4 isolation rooms (positive and negative) which are designed for the infectious diseases and to control them effectively.
  5. The electrical backup, uninterruptable power supply “UPS which functions in caseof electrical power shut down.
  6. Picture Archiving and Communication System “PACS”: that archive and store diagnosticradiology documents.
  7. Hypothermia machines that lower patient’s temperature after CPR and in malignant hypothermia.

The department is staffed with qualified physicians  and nurses, in addition to:

  1. Qualified physicians to follow up patients 24 hours, seven days a week, all around the year.
  2. Well trained and qualified nurses for follow up and care of patients.
  3. Clinical pharmacist which reviews the patient’s medication charts, follow them and educate them regarding their medication use.
  4. Nutritionist which follows patient’s nutritional status and needs according to their condition.

Social worker who follows patients and their families who need support as a part of the comprehensive care plan

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