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Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Center

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT) center began operating in coordination with COBB Center in Atlanta-Georgia and we are still in continuous coordination. This center is directed by a consultant physician in internal medicine and cardiology. It contains highly qualified technicians with good experience in hyperbaric oxygen treatment.

The center is located on the first floor adjacent to other parts of the hospital and close to the intensive care unit which is very important in case of emergencies, where our medical staff is committed in providing the highest level of safety and patient treatment.

Since its establishment, the Centre has treated several cases and thousands of therapeutic sessions, because each situation may require ten to fifty sessions or more and the results 90-95% of the cases have improved and their families were satisfied.

The amount of improvement of the patient depends on the patient's condition, the extent of his disease, the start of the treatment, the tests conducted before the clinical examination meeting, and airway and ear examination and other factors. And all cases were treated successfully and without any complications.

Cases where patients can benefit from the hyperbaric oxygen therapy are:

  • Legs and feet ulcers especially for diabetic patient.
  • Chronic osteomyelitis bone infection.
  • Difficulty healing cosmetic and plastic surgeries skin grafts.
  • Multiple and deep abscesses in the brain.
  • Sudden hearing loss sensorineural
  • Sudden loss of sight due to retinal artery occlusion.
  • Late radiation therapy injures to soft tissue and bone.
  • Necrotizing Fascistis
  • Crush injuries
  • Burns and Frostbite injuries
  • Carbon monoxide gas poisoning from heaters
  • Cyanide poisoning
  • Air embolism
  • Decompression diving injuries
  • Mucormycosis
  • Clostridial gas gangrene and muscle necrosis
  • Anaerabic infections

Our dear patients for your safety please follow these instructions:

  • Don't use the cellular phone.
  • Don't bring anything flammable.
  • No smoking.
  • Don't wear eye lenses, hearing aid or teeth dentures.
  • Don't wear gloves, rings, or bracelets.

Only the special uniform is allowed during the session.

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