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Specialty Center For Pain Management & Palliative Care

We aim towards a pain free hospital using medical and interventional methods for pain control as well as palliative care services.

It’s one of the newly established center at the Specialty Hospital to increase the quality of medical services provided to the patients. We believe that treatment of diseases and pain management should walk hand by hand to maximize patient satisfaction.

Acute and chronic pain management despite occurred post surgical intervention or due to chronic illness, cancer pain , neuropathic pain, low back pain , chronic pelvic pain ,muscular pain , post fractures , ischemic pain along with treatment of ischemia, bone pain due to metastasis, post uterine artery embolization painis our main focus in the center.

We have amultidisciplinaryteam which includes; interventional pain management and anesthesia specialists, interventional radiologists, medical pain management and palliative care specialist, pharmaceutical doctor and pain management nurse.

The main spectrum of services:

  1. Medical pain management by diagnosing the patient, prescription of the right medication and close follow up with the patient to ensure maximum efficacy and the least side effects
  2. Interventional pain management withepidural injections, nerve blocks with ultrasound guidance
  3. Palliative care service for end stage patients
  4. Patient controlled analgesia pumps service.

Awareness and education about pain management is a strategic goal for our team, we plan and perform lectures, hands on workshops and conferences about pain management and palliative care.

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